Our essential oils come from plants that we grow on the farm or collect from the wild. They all come from organic farming, labeled Nature & Progrès and AB. They are guaranteed 100% pure and natural and are packaged on the farm in brown glass bottles with codigoutte.
As a producer, the regulations do not allow us to explain the virtues of plants, even less to give health advice. The information given on this site comes from books and websites written by professionals in aromatherapy and the use of essential oils. They are made available for information only and do not in any way constitute medical information, nor even engage our responsibility.
Florence and Micah Parker
The Plô of the mousque, 383 Route du Verdier
30120, Pommiers
Email: info@espelida.fr
Phone: 06 01 73 36 59
Points of sale
At the farm
Sale of products on the farm all year round by appointment.
From mid-June to early September, every Wednesday and Thursday morning during visits to the farm. For more information, click here
Fairs, markets and shows
Vigan weekly market every Saturday morning.
Honey and Frigoule in Vigan, the second weekend of October every year.
Specialized fair on bee products and aromatic and medicinal plants.
Green hand in Vigan, May 1st every year
Plant Fair.
Occasionally on certain events. See our FB or Instagram page for the news.
Farmer's shop in Le Vigan, Aura des Champs: 16 Place Sainte-Euzeby, 30120 Le Vigan
Biocoop Bio Ensemble in Laroque near Ganges: 945 Avenue de l'Europe, 34190 Laroque
Biocoop Natural life in Vigan: 16 Quai du Pont, 30120 Le Vigan
Cooperative Origin Cévennes: Route de Valleraugue, 30570 Saint André de Majencoules
Useful links or friends
Professional network and training
Addearg: https://www.jeminstallerpaysan.org/gard
SIMPLES union: https://www.syndicat-simples.org/71-2/
Nature & Progress: https://www.natureetprogres.org/
CIVAM Gard: http://www.civamgard.fr/
French Association of Picking Professionals: http://www.cueillettes-pro.org/
Old roots and young shoots: https://www.vieilles-racines-et-jeunes-pousses.fr/
CFPPA Nyons: https://www.cfppa-nyons.fr
plant friends
Lo Gafarot: https://meristemeblog.wordpress.com/
Season and color nursery: https://saisonsetcouleurs.wixsite.com/pepiniere/conseils-de-plantation
Songes de Sahuc: http://www.songesdesahuc.com/
Essential oils, botany and use of plants
Essential plants: https://plante-essentielle.com/
Phytogenfi: https://phytogenfi.fr/a-propos/
Althea Provence: https://www.altheaprovence.com/
Wikiphyto: http://www.wikiphyto.org/wiki/Accueil
Tela-botanica: https://www.tela-botanica.org/
Lo Gafarot: https://meristemeblog.wordpress.com/
To see, to do in the Cévennes around us
Vigan Tourist Office: https://tourismecevennesnavacelles.com/
The Sambucs garden: https://jardinsambucs.com/
The path of St Guilhem: https://www.chemin-st-guilhem.fr/accueil/
The Cévennes National Park: http://www.cevennes-parcnational.fr/fr
Causse and Lamas: https://www.causseetlamas.com/
The addicts of Anjeau: https://www.lesaccrosdanjeau.fr/
Azimut Voyage: https://www.azimut-voyage.fr/
They talk about us
Lo Gafarot: https://meristemeblog.wordpress.com/2019/02/04/video-le-cafe-aux-herbes-bienvenue-chez-espelida-episode-1/
Essential plant: https://plante-essentielle.com/espeli da-de-lalambic-a-lalchimie/