Organic Cornflower
The cornflower is an annual plant adorned with pretty blue flowers. It is unfortunately endangered in the wild due to modern cultivation techniques and pesticides. Cornflower is known to soothe tired, swollen or irritated eyes, hence its nickname "glasses breaker". It is distilled only for its floral water because the plant does not contain essential oil.
Uses and contraindications
Precautions for use
Common name: Blueberry, field cornflower, eyeglass breaker,
Botanical name: Centaurea cyanus
Botanical family: Asteraceae
Origin of the plant: Gard, France
Harvest: with a sickle, on the farm
Distilled parts: flowering tops
Distillation: steam
Label: AB, Nature&Progrès
Concentration: Concentrated, 1kg of plant gives 1L of floral water
Olfactory notes : sweet, herbaceous, smell of hay
Flavours: no aroma
Shelf life after manufacture: 15 months